Khushi apologises to Akash for what she said before, she states that Payal didn’t say anything about Shyam as she was told not to, Payal enters at this point and scolds for interfering in her and Akash’s matter again. Mami comes and adds salt to the wounds, Nani tells Mami tp be quiet but Mami continues that the Gupta sisters have ruined Anjali’s life. Nani continues that what happened to Anjali was wrong but its not Khushi but Shyam’s fault, she continues that they remained quiet for the good of the family. Mami leaves hearing Nani’s scolding. Akash goes after her.
As Khushi sees Anjai coming she leaves to go to her room. She opens the cupboard and sees that Arnav is sitting there and is shocked but smiles seeing him and recalls when he found her in the cupboard in the same position
Arnav states that he is only re-inacting what they have gone through in the past and asks if she remembers anything, she says no. Arnav then gets a glass of water and throws it at her and says if she remembers anything now, we get a flashback of the tea throwing incident. Khushi goes to leave and ASR is about to shout at her when he remembers NK’s words about keeping his anger in control. He has Khushi turn to him and asks her why she is turning away. Khushi replies what will he do and goes to leave again, he then grabs her and states she knows very well what he is able to do, she as held her arm and then we see the first meeting flashback. He takes her hair to one side and holds the back of her neck, he draws hear to her but she pushes him away and throws water on his face.
ASR gets angry and pulls Khushi to him holding her hear and they have an eye staring match with Rabba Ve in the Back. Khushi says he is being batameezi, but he replies he hadn’t even started, she is his wife and he can do so much more. Khushi replies he married her by force and she doesn’t consider him her husband, he replies then lets consider it now. He draws near her again as if to kiss her and Khushi closes her eyes. HO/OM comes and calls them, KHushi tries to get away but ASR still holds on to her and doesn’t let her go
Khushi then pushes ASR away and leaves, he has a smirk on his face he follows her. In the lounge Nani questions why they are both wet, ASR states Khushi threw coffee, she goes to reply but stops, Khushi gets tounge twisted. Khushi holds her hand were ASR held onto her. He looks concerned. Nani states they are getting ready to go and ASR states he will join. Khushi replies that she will stay at home.
ASR holds on to Khushi and asks her if she is hurt, she replies she is used to it now but still doesn’t consider him her husband and leaves, he follows her and blocks her way and tells her that she will claim him as her husband and he will make her. She tells him he is dreaming a lot these days, she goes to leave but he blocks both he exits and tells her, she will come running to him and calls her Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, Khushi replies if that happens she will consider him her husband but it will not happen in this lifetime, they make a deal on this.
NK looks on and states ‘Iss War Ko Kya Naam Doon’
ASR comes to Anjali and asks after her. He asks about the mandir and questions her travelling. ASR gets a call and it seems like there is some complication with a meeting, he wants to cancel it, but Anjali tells him to go and not cancel and she will be fine. Anjali states that he was willing to come that is enough for her. Mami comes to get them, ASR tells Mami to take care of Khushi.
Outside Mami makes an issue with Payal sitting at the front and Anjali should sit there as she is preganant, Payal tries to explain she was getting the seat ready for Anjali but Mami cuts her.
ASR tells Khushi he is going Agra, and that she will be alone in the house, he wants her to come with him, but she says she has a lot of cleaning to do, he asks whether she needs to clean her head, she states it will be clean once he leaves. As he is leaving she makes comments and there is nok jhok
Mami continues to make issues about seating arrangements, Payal states she will sit at the back, Akash helps her in.
Khushi is cleaning up and she comments she likes it like that, there are eerie sounds which scare Khushi . She calls out for HP and Laxmi but no one is around. The doors shutting and noise scare Khushi.
The lights go out and Khushi is getting even more scared, she calls out but there is no answer. She then notices light in another segment of the house but now where she is. She thinks the fuse has gone. She holds her mangalsutra and wills herself to walk, she then sees a shadow of someone and calls out, there are more breaking noises which scare her, she states it would have been better if she left to see the Taj Mahal. She gets a flower pot and calls out but there is no answer
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