Episode starts with Arnav on the floor and Khushi on top of him. Buaji and Khushi’s mother come there and ask Khushi to take him inside. Khushi says Buaji has magic in her hand and she will do the massage but Arnav says it’s fine. Khushi’s mum says Khushi also has magic in her hand she will do the massage. Arnav agrees this time.
Arnav and Khushi in room. Khushi comes with some kind of oil and Arnav says what the. Khushi says not what the.. it’s oil that’s good for back pain. Arnav is taking off his shirt. Khushi turns around and asks him what he is doing. Arnav says problem is not in his shirt, it’s in his back and asks Khushi to help him. Khushi helps him to take off his shirt. Arnav asks where is your smile. Khushi says you still worrying about 24 hours deal? Arnav says he will decide what he wants in 24 hours and asks her to smile. Khushi smiles. Arnav asks her ‘should I’ (lay down on the bed) . Khushi says it’s your 24 hours.. do whatever you want. Arnav then pulls her towards him. He then lays down and Khushi is applying oil thing on his back.
Arnav says to Khushi, your mother was right.. you really have magic in your hand. He then says you must have loved that I slipped, you must have said good Arnav got punished. He says Anjali says you only fall when someone says about you. He asks did you say anything bad about me? Khushi asks what do you think? Arnav suddenly pulls her and puts her on the bed and he is on top of her. He says may be you didn’t know but when you’re quiet, your eyes tell all truth. They both are looking at each other. read full update with pictures only at desitvbox.com . Rabba ve plays in background. Khushi asks what she should answer? Arnav says it’s good they fell down. Khushi asks what? Arnav touches her nose and says you got red again. Buaji calls out Arnav and asks how’s the pain now. Khushi gets up. Arnav puts his shirt back on and says Buaji you were right, there is magic in Khushi’s hand. Khushi leaves from there.
Break 1..
It’s evening now. Buaji and Khushi’s mother go out and tells Khushi to take care of Arnav. Two guys come with couple of boxes. Arnav tells them to put them inside. Khushi asks what is this? Arnav says you only said you want to make money right? Arnav says you have to pack these gifts which are for his office staff. Arnav says you have 40 minutes so pack them fast. Khushi starts packing them. When Khushi is packing, Arnav turns on the fan purposely so all wrappers fly. He then puts tape on her mouth and says tape should be there. Khushi is done wrapping everything before time is up.
Arnav shows her a cup and says you forgot this. Khushi says she never removed anything from box. Arnav says you have to find that box and put it in 10 minutes are still left. Khushi again opens everything and in end she finally finds the box. Arnav tells her very good and ask her to pack everything again.
Arnav is at Raizada house now. He goes to Anjali’s room. Anjali asks but you were going to stay there right? Arnav says how would he miss ‘kheer’ and he knew if he doesn’t eat, Anjali won’t eat either. They both eat ‘kheer’ now. Anjali tells Arnav when she saw CD she realized that it’s not dream, in real her baby was in front of her. Anjali says as long as you’re with me, I will always be fine. Arnav says he will always be with her.
Back to Buaji’s house. Khushi says seems like Arnav forgot about his deal and that’s why he didn’t say anything when he was leaving and she is about to eat sweet because of that. But at the same time, Arnav calls her and tells her she doesn’t need to be happy. He says he just went to his home, hasn’t forgot about his deal. Khushi quietly says do evils ever forgot about their deals? Arnav tells her that she has to stay up whole night as Arnav may need her anytime. Khushi says what she will do on phone? Arnav says you could become radio and you don’t have to worry about all that just stay up. They hang up then. Khushi talks to herself and says what does he think? Made me stay up whole night, he’s taking advantage of me as I have no other option. Made me work like slave whole day, but now it’s my turn. You might have money, power but Khushi has brain and says she won’t let him sleep either.
Arnav is about to sleep now and Khushi calls him. Arnav asks are you missing me? Khushi says no, I just wanted to ask if you’re fine and asks him if he needs anything. Arnav says for now no but tells her to stay up in case if he needs anything.
Arnav is sleeping now. Khushi again calls him and asks if he needs anything. She keeps calling him again and again. Arnav asks her what’s her problem and tells her to let him sleep. Khushi says she’s just doing her duty. Arnav says, I DON’T NEED ANYTHING STOP CALLING ME. Khushi says she will do her duty properly whole night. She now calls at home number as Arnav turned off his phone. Arnav puts home line busy too and says what will you do now Khushi?
Someone now knocks the Raizada door and Arnav says can’t be Khushi it’s too late.
Break 2..
It’s Arnav’s manager. Arnav asks what are you doing here? He says Khushi called him.. Arnav tells her to sleep and let him sleep as well. Khushi says it’s her duty and asks him to turn on his phone else she will send everyone from his office to his house.
Khushi is drinking coffee to keep herself awake and says now no one is left.. who should she call now? Arnav comes there and snatches her phone and asks her to ssshh..
Episode ends..
Khushi gives 24,000 rupees to Shukla ji (her landlord) and asks him happy now?. He says it’s only 24,000 where are other 24,000? Khushi says what? He says new developer has came now and he charges for maintenance too. Khushi says you never told me before. He says he just came and asks her for another 24,000 rupees.
Written By: Illyria
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