Today Episode was blend of every thing and every aspect of the storySmile..arnav taking care of khushi.Embarrassed..anjali being depressed .Confused.and mamiji back to her taunting mode and blaming gupta sisters for ruining their family happiness..Ouch.but anjali decision showed that she is accepting the truth and she now wants to get rid of everything attached to shyaam...even her babyCry ...which was her only happiness left...really feeling bad for her.Confused..arnav too concerned for her condition Confused...he knows that its her bad phase but she has to come over it..and he will always be there for her..Smile
Episode started with arshi scene Embarrassed..where arnav was back to his naughty modeWink..and said wow khushi kumari gupta singh raizada ko sharmaana bhi aata hai.Blushing...then he move towards her and she as usual going backwards.LOL.when arnav said that its high time that whenever he comes near her she should stop going back..and she shas to learn to move ahead with him.Embarrassed..and she blushed..Blushing.and me too.Blushing..did he just said that...oh god.Embarrassed..me faints...Embarrassedand then he finally let her go.Embarrassed..and she stopped again to see him and smiled.Embarrassed..and arnav said this is what he wanted ..a smile on her face.Embarrassed..oh god i just loved this scene...after so many days we heard romantic rabba ve...Embarrassed
After which she went to kitchen where she come to know that anjali hasnt taken food yet and naniji is out to temple.Confused..she went herself to her and said whatever happened was because of her and she knows that she is angry and asked her to take out her anger on her but dont do this to arnav as he loves her alot and he is hurt alot by this..Ouch.she told her atleast take care of her baby..and that is the only ray of hope left now...and the child will bring happiness in her life who will always stand by her..Confused.and she should forget about shyaam ..and he is past now..and she has to move on with her child...Confused with that she left and anjali started crying Confused
After sometime arnav and akash came back from office and arnav told akash he has taken appointment from doc and since she will not go with him Confused..he asked him to take her to doc.Confused.and then khushi came and he asked her if she is fine.Smile. akash didnt find di in her in room...everyone searched for anjali in house but couldnt find her.Confused.then HP told that he saw her leaving in auto...but couldnt hear where she asking to go...then arnav left to search her .Confused.and said to naniji that he will bring her safe back home...and when khushi asked to accompany her naniji stopped her Confused..but khushi asked him to inform her soon...Confused
Arnav meanwhile met that auto driver who wasnt paid by anjali and arnav asked him where he dropped her and he told that he dropped her at nursing home.Confused..and he went to nursing home..
And at nursing home she asked doctor that she doesnt want child and want to abort it.Shocked.and doctor denied as it is illegal and without asking her husband she cant do it..and she also was shocked that anjali wanted this child and how come she suddenly behaving like this..Confused..and tells her that she is not fine..and its not easy as she thinks..to which anjali said that if she cant help her she can get it done somewhere else..Confused
On the other side at home everyone was tensed where she can go ..when naniji asked who went to her room last time when it came to khushi she accepted that she went to her room.Confused...when arnav call came and told that she went to nursing home and he will be with her..Confused.and naniji suspected about the child...and asked khushi why she went to her room when she told her not to go..Confused.khushi told her that she didnt took food and naniji was even not there..Confused
to which mamiji said why she went to her room as she was there and she could have asked her or payal to take food to her room.Confused.and blamed both sisters for ruining their family happiness..Ouch
At the clinic arnav was madly searching for anjali and anjali went out of doctors room and doc was continuously calling her name..which arnav heard...Confused
so khushi will be now again sufferer as she will take all the blame on herself ...Confused
No Precap..Cry.
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