Episode starts with Khushi counting all her money at Buaji’s house. She doesn’t even have 2400 rupees and she says 24000 is too much for her. She says she will do anything but will never take help from Arnav. Someone rings the door and she goes to open the door. Two guys come and ask her how are the rooms, Shukla ji told us you’re going to leave the house. Khushi doesn’t let them go inside and says they are never going to leave this house and ask them to leave else they might lose another house. They leave.
Khushi calls Shukla ji (with whom she did food business before) and asks him if he could give her 24,000 rupees and she will return him later. But Shukla ji says his condition is also not good and can’t help her this time and he hangs up. Shukla ji then tells someone if you come in between husband-wife fight then you have to lie like this. If I had helped her then I might have lost my job. Khushi now goes to Happy Ji and asks him for money now and in return she says she can work in his garage. Happy ji says you’re bahu of this big house and you want to work in garage? Khushi says leave all that. Happy ji says but he doesn’t have 24,000 rupees right now. Khushi leaves. Happy ji says in his mind, I am sorry Khushi ji, I had to lie because Arnav told him by doing this Khushi will come closer to him.
Arnav is in his office and counting down the numbers.. 3.. 2. .1 and Khushi comes there. He says, ‘Hi. So Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizad you’re back here? What happened?’ Khushi says, “ha.. haa.. haa” Arnav says, “Oh Happy Singh, how is he doing?” Khushi then says ‘Ki.. Ki.. Kir’ Arnav says, ‘Kirana Store? It’s not in this area.’ He then says she can take her time, he has no rush but then says, ‘oh you’re in hurry, you only have 24 hours’. Khushi asks him you’re having fun right seeing me like this? How can you behave like this with me? Arnav laughs and says he’s indeed having fun and says he was doing what he was supposed to that is pay rent but Khushi didn’t let him do. He then says to Khushi, you tell me I have ego, don’t you have ego too?
Break 1..
Arnav says if you don’t have ego then ask me for help? If you are shy to say loudly then you can whisper in my ears. Khushi says I don’t want help from you, I want money and for that I can work 1 month for you. Arnav says only 1 day is enough, she can work for 24 hours only. He says her to do everything that he says for 24 hours and he will give 1000 rupees for each hour. Khushi says do what you say? Have you lost your brain? Arnav says he has lost it and that’s why he’s giving this offer. He says clock is ticking. Khushi agrees. read full update with pictures only at desitvbox.com . Arnav now says so what work should I make you do? He asks him what you can do for me? He goes closer and closer to her. He says your time starts now. Khushi says she will work at office, she will take files from here to there, can type. Arnav says he doesn’t want drama in his office and she won’t go to Raizada house. Khushi asks then where you will make me work?
Buaji and Khushi’s mother are talking with each other and Arnav and Khushi come there. Buaji asks him how come you’re here? Then says what am I asking and invite him inside. Arnav says he will have to come here for next 2 – 3 days because of work. Buaji says that’s good thing but due to rain water is dropping here and there so you will have little problem Arnav says he doesn’t mind. Khushi’s mother smiles and looks at Khushi and says she knows what work Arnav has and then her and Buaji leave from there. Khushi quietly says coming to house is in deal too or what? Arnav asks her if she said anything. Khushi says is it in deal to tell you everything? Arnav says no but he will put that in next deal. Khushi says there won’t be any new deals. He says he’s going inside and asks her to bring tea there for him.
At Raizada house, Anjali takes out some CD from a cover and smiles. A servant comes with food and Anjali asks to send Arnav to her. He says Arnav is not at home since morning. At the same time, she gets a call from Arnav and he asks if everything is okay. Anjali says when you come back, I will show you baby video and also give you ‘kheer’. She asks him are you in office? Arnav says he’s at Buaji’s place and asks her if he could stay there tonight. Anjali says ok (without getting sad or angry) and hangs up. Anjali then says buaji is sick so it’s better if Arnav stays there. She looks at CD and about to cry but controls herself.
Khushi comes with tea. Arnav ignores her and goes here and there. Khushi also goes behind him and in end puts tea on table. Arnav says there are 1 or 2 rules. He says with service, he also wants smile and now as he’s her boss, she will call him.. Khushi says laad governor? .. Arnav says actually Arnav is fine. Arnav says he doesn’t want her to be angry either. Arnav now says that he wants to watch TV. Khushi says him you can go outside and watch. Arnav says he wants to watch here only. Khushi says so should I get TV here? Arnav says no, what if Buaji or her mother wants to see. He then tells her to become TV and entertain him. Khushi starts giving news. She says Arnav’s company in loss because boss is not paying attention and is behind bothering some people. Arnav says MUSIC now. Khushi starts singing, aaj mausam hai nahi suhana .. taana saahi ka hai bahana.. what the what the..
Arnav says NEWS again. Khushi starts giving news again and this time she gives news that a wife added sugar in tea and …… now Arnav says DANCE. Khushi says there is no channel of dance in TV. Arnav says this TV does. Khushi asks you will make me dance? Arnav says why are you not smiling.. this deal is cancelled now and he starts walking. Khushi stops him and shows him Salman Khan’s steps. She hurts her leg. Arnav runs to her and Khushi tells him to leave her and keep laughing on her dance. Arnav tells her to sit and asks where is balm. He goes to get balm.
Break 2..
Arnav gets balm. He says sorry, he hurt her and applies balm to her leg.. rabba ve plays in background.
He asks if she always has ‘payal’ in her leg. Khushi says always.. it’s her mother’s. She tries to get up and says she has work. Arnav says her to relax and he will do it. Khushi says no and starts walking. Arnav carries her and takes her there. As he goes outside, he also slips and Khushi falls on him.
Episode ends..
Arnav is shirtless and Khushi is applying balm on his back. Arnav asks her you would have loved him slipping right? He then pulls her and puts her on the end and he goes on top of her. Khushi says what are you doing? Arnav says when you’re quiet, your eyes tell all the truth.
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