Make way for Barun Sobti ladies and gentleman for there is nobody, i repeat nobody who could every live Arnav Singh Raizada like Barun Sobti does. Hatts off !!!! He is one of the most supremely talented actors we have today and his portrayal of Arnav Singh Raizada is superlative.
He was flawless today and this was all that was needed……
Every time i saw Arnav Singh Raizada insult and hurt Khushi, though i felt bad for her i understood that its in his character to be like that. He was like he is for a reason and keeping that in mind his actions, his dialogues, his mannerisms were pitch perfect. I believe that Arnav Singh Raizada is by far the most intriguing yet beautifully sketched and consistent character on Indian Television. I am thankful to the CV’s for bringing out such a larger than life character to our TV screens and extremely happy that Barun Sobti is doing it….trust me nobody could have done a better Job.
But ever since the Kidnapping track ended, something was a miss. Something about ASR did not seem right. Everything, the entire truth was in front of him, everything had been made crystal clear and yet there something that was not quite right about ASR. Yes!!! He had not apologized to Khushi…..There was no feeling of guilt, no mind talks, no tugging flashes where he recollected the pain he put her through and no Sorry.
We very well know that he is capable of it, and yet it was no where to be seen. The makers could very well do this keeping the very essence of Arnav Singh Raizada intact, and walk away with all the accolades and applause. And in the past two days they have beautifully managed to recreate the Magic that makes him ASR. If he hates he does it with his full heart, if he loves he does it with full heart, and today the way he apologized with full heart, surely won our hearts again.
This was all that was ever needed, a small but sincere look back in to his memories, into his thoughts, where everything about Khushi was etched to the “T”……From how he forcefully married her to her trying to tell the truth, jeopardizing her life for his and everything flashes in his mind….He put her through hell, but could not stand it when others were pointing fingers at her or hurt/slapped her. It hurt him that if today Khushi was facing the wrath of many deep down he knew that the reason was none other but him. Like the typical Arnav Singh Raizada we all know, in no time he reaches Khushi and confesses the thoughts that were disturbing him. He tells her that he may never be able to recollect all those instances where he made her life miserable,hurt her etc but he was truly sorry for all that he did. All that and Arnav Singh Raizada once again walks away winning not just Khushi’s love and respect but ours too.
Never did one expect him to grovel, never did one expect him to use the usual love antics, this was ASR we are talking about. And this is how ASR does it. From his depiction of the slightest emotions to every expressions that keeps glistening in his eyes….Every dialogue delivery to every gesture, everything about ASR today was Bang On!!! Barun has truly outdone himself today.
If i clearly remember ASR has apologized in the show just once, that too to his sister who according to him was his entire world. Today he was apologizing to the love of his life, a marked distinction, a stark difference in treatment was a must and Barun simply nailed it.Plus the immediate transition from the apology sequence to the one when with his sister and NK, to the typical ASR while with Dadi….Barun was flawless today. He keeps changing and yet he is very much there, very much the same ASR
Kudos to this wonderful actor, and to the character he breaths life into: Barun Sobti and Arnav Singh Raizada you truly have my respect.
Author: Vijitha Rajan
+ comments + 1 comments
N i must say jus lyk barun's acting u ve a flawless writing.. hats off..!! 4 putting across things so beautifully...!!
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