Episode starts with Khushi in their room, thinking about Arnav saying that he loves her damn it. Title song plays in background. Arnav is outside, driving car fast.
It’s morning now. Khushi is sleeping on a couch. She wakes up and sees the bed is cleaned up, there are no roses or anything, no decoration in room. She searches for Arnav but can’t find him. She wonders if Arnav came then why he didn’t wake her up. She says may be he would be outside and she goes to living room.
She sees Dadi and remembers about last night. She says namaste to dadi but she doesn’t say anything. She then says namaste to others and goes to kitchen. Khushi seems worried so Payal asks her if everything is fine. Nani calls Khushi so she leaves. Nani asks Khushi in what situation and how her and Arnav got married. Khushi looks at dadi.
Break 1..
Khushi says they got married in temple. Nani then asks was priest there? Khushi says it was very late so they couldn’t find priest. Anjali says without priest? and without mantras? Nani asks how is your marriage a marriage then without priest andmantras? Nani then asks if they did any rituals. Khushi says sindhur and mangalsutra. Nani asks no pheres? And Khushi’s buaji enters house now.
Khushi asks her how come you are here at this time? Dadi says she called her here. Dadi then introduces herself to buaji. Dadi asks her parents didn’t come? Buaji says Khushi’s father operation is going on so.. Buaji then asks why they called her here. Nani says because of what Arnav and Khushi did.. is shameful. Buaji asks Khushi what she did now? Dadi then says Khushi is living in this house without marrying properly with Arnav. They went to temple and just by exchanging malas they got married like kids. Khushi tries to explain but Dadi says when elders are talking, it’s not good to interfere. Buaji asks Khushi if she married without pheres? Buaji seems very angry. Khushi asks her to apologize her.
Buaji then is about to slap her and Arnav comes there and stops Buaji. Arnav says he hasn’t given permission to touch his wife to anyone, and slapping her is way too far. Dadi says to Arnav, whom you are saying your wife, you never married with her, you didn’t even take pheres. Arnav says he doesn’t believe in all pheres, mantras, etc.. He only knows that they are living together since 6 months and she’s his wife. Anjali says we all know that you don’t believe in tradition and rituals but this is not right. Arnav says.. di please.
Dadi then says to Arnav, you calling this marriage but in our society we call it something else. Khushi is shocked. Dadi says she doesn’t know how a girl can take this. Arnav comes forward and says, I am sorry to say that my and your societies are different and in my society she is Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada. He looks at Khushi and says, “I am very well aware in which conditions we got married”. Dadi says whether society is yours or mine, the woman who didn’t take pheres can’t be called a wife and can’t become bahu of any house. Arnav shouts, DADI. Nani stops him.
Dadi then asks Buaji how can you allow your this? Is that what you have taught her? Dadi then says whatever it is but Khushi can’t stay in this house anymore. Buaji orders Khushi to go with her right now. She pulls her with her hand. Arnav tells Buaji that she can’t do this. Anjali says to Arnav you have to accept that you’re wrong. Buaji is taking Khushi and Arnav loudly says, STOP IT.
Arnav says, I don’t believe in all this crap but if you all think that we have to marry properly with pheres and stuff then I am ready, I am ready to marry my wife again. I am ready to take pheres as well and do other rituals as well.
Someone is watching all this happenings at Raizada house on a TV (most probably it’s Shyam but they didn’t show face yet).
Nani is happy and asks what are you saying? Arnav says yes we are ready to marry properly so you all accept us as husband and wife. Nani says she has no problem and if they are ready to marry properly then everything will be fine. Anjali also says she really wanted to attend her brother marriage and she’s very happy now. Dadi agrees but says they can’t live together until they get married. Arnav asks what? why dadi? Nani says when you agreed for re-marriage then why problem with this? and says before marriage husband and wife should not live together.
Nani then tells Buaji that they will come and take Khushi with them. Buaji says they will wait.
Break 2..
Buaji takes Khushi with her.
Khushi comes back again. She goes to Arnav. Everyone leaves from there. Khushi says to Arnav, ‘before going I also want to say, I love you damn it. I will wait for you’. They both smile and Khushi leaves now.
They again show someone watching all this on a TV and this time they show his face. It’s Shyam. He says as long as I am alive, Arnav and Khushi can’t be together. He then remembers about how he got cameras fixed in Raizada house. He says I am watching you closely and I will do anything to stop this marriage.
Episode ends..
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