Episode starts with Khushi coming to Raizada house. She says “hello” to Dadi but Dadi doesn’t reply to her. Khushi then says to Nani that she will go and meet Anjali but Dadi says, she is sleeping. Payal then takes Khushi to the kitchen with her. Food is ready now and Nani says, seeing this, Anjali will definitely eat something. At the same time, Khushi’s mother and Buaji come to Raizada house with laddus. Buaji asks Nani about Dadi but Dadi has gone to temple. Nani tells buaji that they were so worried yesterday as Anjali didn’t eat anything but then suddenly she ate in night. Khushi is thinking about Shyam. Everyone now goes to Anjali’s room.
Anjali is waiting for Shyam. Everyone comes to Anjali’s room and offers her food but Anjali refuses to eat anything. Nani then says to her, at least take medicine but Anjali refuses to take medicine as well. Anjali asks everyone to leave from there. Buaji says, they will come some other time and leaves from there.
Buaji and Garima are outside, taking an auto and Garima sees Dadi. She gets scared and rushes to leave from there. Dadi doesn’t see her and they leave.
Nurse tells everyone that Anjali really needs to eat something and take medicine. Anjali is looking at a clock and Khushi notices that. Khushi tells Anjali that she has to eat something or at least take medicine. Anjali says, I want to stay alone.. you all please leave from here. Dadi also comes there now and asks Anjali to eat something but Anjali doesn’t listen to her either. Anjali starts coughing.. Khushi gives her water but she doesn’t drink water either. Nurse says, she has fever, her BP is low as well. Anjali says, I am fine, you all please leave. And why are you all acting that you care about me? If you really cared about me then you would have listened me, you would have done what I said. Khushi remembers about how Anjali asked to bring Shyam back. Nani is worried and says, there must be some way to make Anjali agree to eat.. and asks how she got agreed to eat yesterday.
Khushi is more sure of Anjali ate because of Shyam and says to herself, I can’t see Di like this.. what if something happens to her. I must talk with Arnav.
On the other side, Shyam is happy and talking with himself, Khushi made it even easier for me by seeing me there. I am sure, by now she must have figured it out that they need me to make Anjali fine like before. And may be she would have told that to everyone by now. He continues, Now the question is, who will come to apologize and beg to me to come back to Raizada house. At the same time, someone comes to his house. He says why do I feel like it’s Arnav. He opens the door and says “you?”
At Raizada house, Nani is very worried and talking with Manorama that Anjali didn’t eat anything. Arnav and Aakash come back and ask them what’s wrong. Manorama tells everything to Arnav and says they tried to call but line was busy. Nani says that she is worried what if anything happens to Anjali.
Anjali’s condition is getting worse and she is not even taking water. Arnav tells Nani that he will go and check. At the same time, someone enters Raizada house so Arnav stops. It’s Shyam who entered. Arnav is shocked looking him in his house. Shyam is coming in without any fear. Arnav goes to him and holds his collar and asks how dare you to come here. Arnav says, all this happened because of you.. who gave you permission to come here? Who told you that you have rights to come here? Shyam is quiet. Arnav tells him to answer. Khushi comes and says, “I did”.
Arnav is even more shocked now and he leaves Shyam’s collar. He stares at Khushi.
Break 1..
Arnav asks Khushi, you? Khushi goes to him and puts her hand his shoulder and asks him to listen to her. Arnav takes away his shoulder. Khushi says, I had to do it.. for no one else but for… Shyam says, for Anjali.
Anjali hears Shyam’s voice and goes to see him. She gets happy seeing him.
Arnav tells Shyam, I don’t believe you. Shyam says, you have to believe me. At the same time, Anjali comes there.
Break 2..
Anjali is struggling to walk but still manages to go to Shyam. She hugs Shyam and says, thank God you’re back. My Shyam is back.
Nani says, this is magic.. few moments ago we felt like we would lose Anjali but now she seems absolutely fine.
Anjali is crying. Shyam tells her not to cry and says, I am here with you. He is then taking her back to her room. Anjali hugs Arnav and thanks him for returning her husband to her. She says, you don’t know what you have given to me. You have returned my life to me.
Episode ends.
Arnav is angry at Khushi and asks how she dared to bring Shyam back to Raizada house. Khushi asks him to listen to her. Arnav says, if it was someone else then I would understand but you? You know very well that I hate him so much.
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