Episode starts with Dadi showing Garima’s photo with Arnav’s dad to Arnav. Arnav is shocked. Dadi asks Arnav, after knowing this, will you still be able to live your entire life with Khushi? Will you be able to take saat-phere with Khushi? Dadi says, tell me.. I want to know your answer. Arnav doesn’t say anything. Dadi says, I just found today when I saw this photo. I can’t stay with anyone from that family. That woman who took away everything from our family, how can I even let her shadow be on this family? Arnav still quiet.. Dadi says to him, my son, your father, was everything for me and that’s why I can’t keep any relationship with that family. Now what you have to do is your own decision.
Outside, everyone is waiting for Arnav. Nk is trying to call him but Arnav is not picking up. Shyam says, he must be stuck in traffic.
Back to the room where Arnav and Dadi are. Arnav is thinking about the incident with his mother. And on the other hand, he is thinking about that night he spent with Khushi. He seems to be angry with himself and he leaves from there.
On the other side, Khushi all ready in bride’s clothes, wonders where Arnav is. She then sees a car coming in and gets happy. She says, here he is. Buaji also sees car and gives news to everyone that Arnav is here. But it’s only Dadi who comes out of the car. She comes in to the wedding hall.
Garima is standing there with aarti. Everyone is searching for Arnav, but he is no where there. Nk goes to check car but he is not in car either. In the room, Khushi is very happy and she says, I have to scold him.. why did he take so much time. Buaji tells her, you can’t see him.. but Khushi doesn’t stop and runs to the main hall. Nk tells everyone, Arnav is not in car. Anjali asks Dadi where is Arnav. Khushi also comes there now and asks Dadi.. will he come in different car? Dadi is all quiet. Nani now asks Dadi about Arnav. Dadi is staring at Garima and smiling. Khushi goes to Dadi and asks her, did anything to happen to Arnav? No right? Then why he didn’t come?
Dadi looks at Garima and says to her, you really thought that he will come to this wedding hall? Garima says, how is this possible? Dadi says to her, after what you did with my family.. how did you even think that I would let this marriage happen? Khushi and others are clueless. Shyam is happy. Dadi continues, how did you even think that I would let you have all this happiness in return for sadness and pain that you gave to us? Khushi asks Dadi, what are you talking about? What happened? Dadi says to her, you should ask all this to your mother, not me. Garima says to Dadi, but you said you forgave me? You lied to me? Dadi says, yes.. I lied because I wanted to hurt you same way you hurt to us. I wanted to you know the pain.. Because of you.. I had seen such days too. Everyone is wondering what’s going on.
Khushi asks Dadi, but what’s my mother’s fault in this? Dadi continues, it hurt me even more when my son and bahu committed suicide. And it was all because of you (Garima). Anjali asks Dadi, what are you saying? Nani also says to Dadi, you must have misunderstood. Khushi asks Garima, why Dadi is saying all this? Dadi says, because this is same Garima who trapped my married son in her love. Everyone is shocked!!!
Dadi continues, this is same Garima because of whom my family destroyed.. becaues of whom my Arnav and Anjali got orphans. Khushi says, this is not truth.. this is lie.. She asks Garima, it’s all lie right? Garima is just crying. Dadi says to Khushi, so got your answer?
Anjali goes to Garima and asks her, why did you do this with my mother? Why? She didn’t do any mistake.. Anjali is crying. Khushi again asks Garima. Garima says, Khushi.. please believe me .. I didn’t know he was married and he had two kids. If I knew then all this wouldn’t happen. Dadi says to Garima, you knew everything and you still did all this intentionally. She asks her, you know what we call woman who has an affair with a married man right? You’re that kind of cheap woman. Khushi asks Dadi to stop.
Break 1..
Khushi tells Dadi, you can’t talk like this with my mother. When she’s saying she didn’t know he was married then she must have not know about it. My mother doesn’t lie. I have faith in my mother.. I know my mother very well.. she didn’t hurt anyone intentionally. Garima is emotional seeing Khushi’s confidence in her. Dadi says, if it’s like that then.. Anjali continues, why you didn’t tell us about this before?
Break 2..
Dadi asks Garima to answer Anjali.. why you didn’t tell truth before? Why you kept hiding yourself? Nani also asks.. why you didn’t tell truth before? If you had then may be we could.. Garima says, I wanted to but I couldn’t. What could I say? I was afraid that Khushi would lose her happiness. I am a mother in end.. Dadi says, if you were a mother then you wouldn’t take Anjali and Arnav’s mother away from them. You’re just a cheap and greedy woman. Khushi asks Dadi to stop.
Khushi tells Dadi, you can’t say like this. I understand your feelings.. your pain to lose your son.. your pain to lose your bahu.. I know very well how it feels when you don’t have your parents with you. But I also know that my mother can’t be responsible for all this. Manorama says, she is responsible for all this. Because of her, Arnav’s parents are no more. Aakash asks Manorama to stop. Payal steps up and says, I know my mother was quiet because of me and Khushi. Dadi says, I don’t care about all this.. all I know is you’re (Garima) responsible for my son and bahu’s death.
Episode ends.
Dadi takes out bangles from Khushi’s hands that she gave to her. Dadi says, from today you have no relationship with Arnav and our family.
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