Episode starts with Manorama putting haldi on Garima’s face. Dadi is not able to recognize Garima now as her whole face is with haldi. Buaji says same thing to Payal, you put so much haldi that I can’t recognize her. Garima has a sigh of relief now. Dadi congratulates Garima and puts haldi on her. Garima also puts little haldi on Dadi and congratulates her as well. Garima now leaves from there.

Arnav and Khushi are alone in a room. Arnav tells her, have to do much to bring you home. Can’t we skip rest of the rituals and.. Khushi says, life is not a film song that you move that fast. Arnav says, really? then why all these songs are playing outside nonstop. Khushi says, all rituals have some importance. She explains him all the rituals.. saying red dhaga is for her protection.. they put mehendi on all the parts of her body because.. Arnav says, i know and he starts romancing with her saying first leg.. then hand.. then shoulder.. then head.. he puts his hand on Khushi’s face and Khushi’s heartbeat start racing. She turns away. Arnav then puts his hand on her back and Khushi’s heartbeat going fast. Khushi suddenly turns back and touches his noise and starts laughing. Arnav goes closer to her and touches her cheek with his cheek. On the other side, Garima comes to her room and is crying. She opens a cupboard and looking at something. Shyam is passing by her room and he sees her. He hides looks at what she is doing. Garima sees him and she puts everything away. Shyam says, buaji was calling you. Garima leaves. Shyam wonders what was in that box that she got emotional first and then got afraid. And she was so scared after Dadi came. There is something for sure between Dadi and Garima and that’s why Garima is hiding from her. He laughs and says, who is beside me to find out this secret.

Outside, Dadi is saying that she is tired and she wants to go home and rest. Shyam comes there and says, I will also go with you. Aakash says, leave it I will go with Dadi. Shyam tells him to come with everyone after all rituals. Buaji says, wait a minute.. and calls Garima to meet Dadi again before she leaves.
Break 1..
Garima doesn’t come. Dadi says buaji to leave.. she must be busy in some work. Shyam and buaji leave. Buaji goes to Garima and asks her why she didn’t come.. Garima says, I was washing my face and haldi wasn’t going. Buaji calls everyone to wash their haldi before water goes off.
Khushi tells Arnav, we should go back to the function. What everyone would be thinking? Arnav says, if anyone is thinking about us then by now they must have figured it out where we are. Khushi says, you just said that you will do all the rituals.. is this way to do them? Do you know.. after haldi groom and bride can’t see each other. Arnav says, when did I see you? You’re full in haldi. Khushi laughs and says, there is more haldi on you than me. Arnav asks and who put that haldi? They are about to kiss and they heard buaji’s voice. Khushi pushes Arnav and tells him to go and wash his face.
Arnav and Khushi come to wash their faces, but Manorama also comes there at the same time. She pushes both and goes first. Khushi is then giving towel to Arnav and Aakash comes and takes it and goes next. Aakash leaves and then Payal goes saying Khushi.. let me go.. I have too much work. Payal comes back and says, thank God I washed now water is gone. Khushi is shocked and says, WHAT? Me and Arnav still didn’t wash our faces. Buaji laughs at Khushi. Khushi says, there is one way.. happy singh’s garage. Arnav says, no no. But Khushi pulls him and takes him there.

At Raizada house, Dadi gives food to shyam but he says, I don’t feel like eating. Dadi says, I noticed how everyone was avoiding you in Haldi. She says, I understand how much hurt you must be. Shyam says, it’s nothing like that.. that much happened in this house so it’s obvious it will take time, but I am sure I will win everyone’s heart again. He then says, today was good.. both families did haldi ritual together and everyone were so happy. Dadi is thinking something. Shyam says, I know what you are thinking that whatever Khushi did was wrong but in this age.. all these mistakes are understandable. But you have to agree that everyone in her family is very good.. especially her maasi (Garima). Dadi says, I haven’t met or seen her properly till today.

Shyam remembers how Garima was getting scared in haldi. Dadi says to him, I will go and rest for a bit and she leaves. Shyam says to himself, it’s so strange.. so many rituals are done and still Dadi hasn’t seen Garima. May be Garima is hiding herself from Dadi? but what could be reason behind this? What kind of puzzle is that.
Break 2..
It’s night time now. Raizada family is back to their house. Everyone is sitting on a dining table for dinner. Shyam comes there. Anjali is leaving.. Shyam tells her, I will take you to the room but she says she will manage and leaves. Shyam serves food to Arnav. Arnav forwards his hand but then stops. Shyam then asks him for pickle. Arnav says, I don’t need it. Shyam asks for salad but Arnav again says, I don’t want it. Shyam says, I know you’re angry at me and after what happened.. I understand that. But I am just asking for one chance. My relationship is not just with Anjali. I also have some relation with you all, with this house.. I just have to make it strong now. Arnav tells him, you’re here just because of Anjali so don’t think anything else. Arnav is leaving from there but Dadi stops him.

Dadi asks Arnav, is this a way to talk with Shyam? He’s trying to solve the issues and you’re insulting him? This is enough now.. you have to forget past and forgive him. Arnav says, I cannot forgive this guy. Dadi says, just like you never forgave your father? Arnav gets angry and leaves from there. Shyam gets lost in some thoughts.
Shyam is in Anjali’s room now. He gives her medicine. Looking at Shyam’s sad face, Anjali asks him what happened. She says, I can tell you’re upset by looking at your face. Shyam says, actually today because of Dadi scolded Arnav.. I can take anything but I don’t want any differences between Dadi and Arnav because of me. Today, Dadi told him in front of me that he is not forgiving me like how he didn’t forgive his father. Shyam says, anyways this is your family stuff .. Anjali asks, aren’t you also part of our family? Shyam says, I mean I didn’t know about this that’s why am telling. Anjali says, I never told you about this because me and Arnav want to forget about our past. There’s a reason behind Arnav’s seriousness. He was very young, when my mum committed suicide and Arnav got very affected by that. She continues, you know that my first marriage was broken and my parents died in incidents. But why that happened.. I never told you about it. She says him sorry for not telling all this before. Shyam says, I didn’t want to hurt you .. but such a big incident. Anjali says, yes and what could I tell you that my parents committed suicide because of some other woman? Shyam is shocked hearing to that. Anjali says, even I and Arnav didn’t really talk about this topic much. Anjali says, there was some other woman in my dad’s life and because of which my mother committed suicide.

Anjali is crying. Shyam asks her to forgive him and tells her that he won’t talk about this again. He hugs her and he’s happy. He is sure now, Garima was hiding because of this.. she is the other woman who was in Arnav’s dad’s life.

Shyam comes to Dadi’s room. He says, I just came to tell you that you shouldn’t get angry like this on Arnav. Give him some time, everything will be fine. But yes the way he thinks about his father is not good and I am shocked knowing about that. Dadi says, till now no one stopped him or said anything. I wasn’t here either and it’s too late now. Shyam says, Anjali just told me all the truth.. that other woman.. and it’s obvious Arnav being angry like this. Dadi asks, obvious? It would be understanding if Arnav didn’t repeat yesterday’s mistake again. If he had learned something from that mistake. If his father went behind other woman, then his mother should have controlled him.. and bring back to her. All fault is that other woman’s.. she destroyed our family.. just like how it all happened to you. She says, I know it was misunderstanding.. but it happened because of some other woman. The history is repeating itself.. and just like how
Arnav blamed his father years ago because of other woman.. he’s blaming you because of Khushi. He didn’t say a word to that woman. This time what happened is because of Khushi.. and last time what happened was BECAUSE OF GARIMA. Shyam is shocked.. he asks GARIMA? Dadi says, yes it’s that woman who trapped my son in her love.. whatever happened in this house is because of Garima. If that woman comes in front of my eyes then…… (I don’t know what I will do). Shyam is smiling and says in his mind, if this is true then I got aces, upper hand once again and I will definitely win this time.

Arnav has came to Khushi’s house to take everyone somewhere. While they leaving, Garima says, I am very worried about Khushi’s father.. it’s not good for him to travel this much. Arnav doesn’t listen to her and says this time I will take you both. They leave. and shyam is looking in their house from a window.
Break 3..

Shyam says to himself, now everyone will be at Raizada house and I will finish my work here. He goes to check that box which Garima was looking at. Outside, Garima says, I forgot medicine. Khushi tells her, I will go and get it. She comes back to her house and Shyam is checking that box in a room. He sees a photo in which Garima is with a man (Arnav’s dad). He wonders who is that. Khushi comes to the same room and Shyam hides. She takes medicine and leaves. Shyam takes photo with him and says, he will reveal this secret of years to everyone.

Nk tries to cheer Dadi but she leaves from there in anger. Aakash tells Nk, she doesn’t like all this. At the same time, Khushi’s family arrives with Arnav. Nk says, let’s play game now. Arnav says, you guys carry on.. I will see you later. Aakash and Nk try to stop him but he doesn’t. Khushi then says, leave it.. he is scared of punishments… he is worrying if he gets the pillow then what we will make him do. Arnav now says, I will play..He tells Khushi, but if I win then you will do what I say. Khushi agrees saying if she wins then Arnav will have to do what she says.
Game begins. Nani is turning on/off the music. Everyone else is playing ‘passing the pillow’ game. Shyam returns to Raizada house. Anjali gets happy seeing him. She asks him to sit beside her. Suddenly smiles disappear from everyone’s face. Shyam then leaves and goes to see Dadi. He asks Dadi, why are you sitting alone here? Dadi says, I am not interested in all that nonsense games. Shyam says, even I don’t like them and I know you’re not that much interested in this marriage. But entire family of Khushi has came here today. They are our guests.. if you meet to them then they will feel good. Dadi says, I am tired right now.. I will come after some time. Shyam is saying in his mind, by then Garima will find some reason to leave from here.. what should I do by which these two come in front of each other. He leaves from there.

It’s Payal who gets pillow first. Khushi runs to Nani and tells her something. Nani then says to Payal, so you will have to act as your sasu ma (Manorama). Payal says how can I act like her.. but in end she acts like Manorama. Next one to get pillow is Aakash. Garima says to Khushi’s father.. it’s time for your medicine.. i will make it for you. She takes her and goes somewhere. Shyam comes back and gets angry not seeing them there. And then he sees them in kitchen.

He goes to the kitchen and tells Garima, if Khushi’s father wants to rest then you can go to my room. Garima says, I just came here to make his medicine. She is busy in making that and Shyam takes some tablets from there and leaves. Garima is finding medicine. Servant is taking medicine for Dadi and Shyam stops him. He asks him for tea. Servant goes to make tea for Shyam and in the mean time, Shyam exchanges Dadi’s medicine with Garima’s.

Back to the game. Only Khushi and Arnav are left now. They are passing pillow to each other. Arnav signals Khushi to check her noise. She is checking her noise and the music stops with pillow in Khushi’s hands. Khushi tells Arnav, you cheated with me.. you were looking at me. Arnav says, everyone is looking. Khushi then says, you touched your noise. Arnav says, it’s my noise.. I can do whatever I want. Khushi says, fine tell me what I have to do. Arnav says, not here.. come with me. Nk gets up and says, wow Nannav.. should we come there too or you will tell us after? Arnav doesn’t say anything and takes Khushi with him.

Garima is searching for medicine. Shyam goes and helps her. Arnav and khushi come to a room. Arnav locks the door. Khushi gets worried and asks him, what are you doing? Arnav says, I won and now you will have do what I say. He goes behind her. Khushi tries to run away and says, no.. I won’t do. Arnav pulls her back and says, you will have to do it.. don’t you have faith in me? Khushi doesn’t say anything. Arnav takes it as a yes and says.. thanks. Arnav then tells her, relax.

Dadi is about to take medicine. Shyam comes and stops her. He says, I think by mistake servant gave you Khushi’s father medicine. Dadi checks and it is indeed Khushi’s father medicine. Shyam tells her, he will go and give it to him, but Dadi says I will go and will meet them as well. Shyam says, that’s good too and you will get to talk with them. Dadi leaves. Shyam is happy. Dadi comes downstairs. Garima is still searching for medicine there.

Episode ends.
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