Episode starts with Nk waiting for Arnav and Khushi. He says, where did they go? Today Arnav forgot his phone at home as well and mind you, Arnav never forgets his phone at home. And Khushi is not picking up her phone. He wonders where can they go. And then says, did kidnappers kidnapped them to take reveng? Others come there. Anjali asks Nk, what revenge? Nk changes topic and says, revenge means I was thinking you guys love me so much so what should I give you back. Manorama says, for me one saaree, necklace. Nani says, take me to the temple every Monday. Khushi and Arnav return to home. Nk starts dancing and says, you don’t know how happy I am.
Anjali tells Arnav, Khushi.. Nk is getting extra emotional today and where did you two go? To eat ice cream again? Nani and Anjali laugh. Khushi says, Di we.. we.. Arnav says, we went for walk. Manorama says, it’s too much.. whenever you see.. honeymoon. Khushi gets shy and her and Arnav leave from there.
Khushi and Arnav are in their room now. Khushi is telling Arnav, what happened and how she fought with kidnappers. Arnav is just staring at her and smiling. Khushi asks him, why are you looking at me like this? Are you even listening to me? Arnav says, huh.. ya I was listening. He says, I have to admit.. you’re little filmy but very brave. Khushi asks, filmy? Arnav says, of course.. what do you think .. it was a good idea to take kidnappers car? and that too when you know so good driving? Kidnappers just kidnapped him for money, but if you had car accident then “you could have killed him”. Arnav is just kidding with her, but she gets a bit serious. Arnav says, forget it and leaves from there. Khushi then remembers how Jr. ASR also said same thing to her, that kidnappers just wanted money but “you could have killed me”. She says to herself, both names start with same letter and ends with same letter.. and their names got same number of letters. She goes, What the.. how come so many things of them are same to same?
It’s morning now. Khushi opens the curtains and Arnav wakes up. He says, good morning Khushi. Khushi says, today I am not Khushi.. I am a chef. She comes back in chef’s clothes and says, I am chef Khushi.. and here’s your breakfast. She tells Arnav to go and wash his hands. Arnav goes and comes back. Khushi makes him sit on the bed and then she sets up a table there on which she puts the breakfast. Arnav goes, ‘wow’.. seeing pan cake that Khushi made learning recipe from internet. She gives him spoons. Arnav says, but spoons are not needed. read full updates with pictures only at desitvbox.com Khushi says, I know but in big restaurants.. they put things that you don’t need.. you eat it. Before he eats, she stops him again and puts a cloth on him like how they do in five-star hotels. Arnav makes her sit and says, five-stars chef are allowed to sit na? He offers her first bit but Khushi says, it’s my vrat (fast) today so I can’t eat. She says, all ladies in this house has fast and that’s why I brought breakfast here. If you eat in front of them, then they would get hungry too. Arnav is eating now and Khushi is looking at him. Arnav smiles and tells her, have some.. I won’t tell anyone. Khushi says, I can’t eat… Devi maa will feel so bad. She turns her face away until Arnav is done eating.
She give him tea now and then says, I have to make all special food today and there is pooja. Arnav says, then I should better leave from here. Khushi asks, why? Arnav says, don’t you remember what happened last time? And there is a flashback scene where kids came to their home and destroyed everything.
Khushi laughs and says, that time I used to scare from you so much right. Arnav says, and now? Khushi says, not anymore. Arnav looks in her eyes, and asks really? Khushi pinches his cheek and says, yes really. Arnav says, please don’t do such stuff.. I am not a kid anymore. Khushi says, then why do everyone call you chote? Both smile. Khushi tells him to get ready as they have to buy gifts for kids. She leaves.
Sheetal has came to some office for the job. One of the office staff says, we were just looking for someone like you but before you get the job, you have to talk with our boss. He’s in meeting right now.
On the other side, Khushi has came to a shop to buy gifts for kids. She is bargaining and Aarva comes there. He heard her voice and sees her. He says, oh no.. and starts leaving from there. Khushi sees him and stops him.
Khushi asks him, where is your mumma? Aarav says, mumma has gone for the interview and I am waiting for him. Khushi asks him, so which toy did you like? He says, I don’t like toys. Khushi says, but all kids like toys then why not you? Aarav says, because all kids like them and I am not a kid. Khushi says, I know that.. you’re not kid.. you’re chote. Aarav asks, can I go? Khushi says, no.. your mumma told you to wait here right? Then help me in buying toys. Aarav asks, what? you play with toys? Khushi says, no.. it’s for someone else. She asks, which toys 10 years old girls like? Aarav says, how would I know? Khushi then sees a doll and asks him if she should buy it? He says, no and shows her.. gun toys. Khushi says, not at all and puts it away. Khushi shows him more toys.. but he says all are very bad. Khushi asks, why? He says, because I told you na I don’t like toys. Khushi says, do you know.. you’re very strange. Aarav says, I am not strange.. those girls are strange.. who play with toys.. who make them eat.. put clothes on, as if they are not toys.. they are human beings.
Sheetal enters the boss’ office. And it’s none other than Arnav. He asks, Sheetal.. you here? Sheetal says, actually I came here for designing position. Arnav says, you were interested in designing in the college too.. I had no idea.. you would become a designer. They sit down. Arnav asks so how is your son? She says, he’s good.
Break 1..
Khushi is done shopping now. She tells Aarav.. so let’s eat something now. Aarav says, I am not hungry. She says, that’s what I don’t like.. you’re a kid so talk like one. It seems like you’re throwing rocks from your mouth. And what is this? Why angry face all the time? Smile little.. talk little.. this world is not that bad. Khushi then keeps going on.. that I know we girls are different and we talk extra… She’s busy in talking and on the other side, Aarav is getting dizzy. Khushi finally notices that and asks to herself, did he got unconscious from my talks? now what shall I do?
In the office, Sheetal shows her designs to Arnav.. and he’s impressed. He says, this job can easily be yours. Sheetal says, sorry Arnav.. I can’t do this job. Arnav asks why? She says, I just can’t do it. Arnav says, I am so sorry.. I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.
Break 2..
Arnav’s phone is ringing. Sheeta says to Arnav, your wife’s call. Arnav picks up the phone and Sheetal is leaving from there. Arnav says, what? Aarav is unconscious? Sheetal hears that and gets worried. Arnav asks Khushi, where did you meet him? Khushi says, I met him in a store.. you please call and tell Sheetal. Arnav says, Sheetal is right here.. I am taking her to our home. Sheetal says, I left Aarav alone.. I am a bad mother. Arnav says to her, relax. .. they are at my home.. I am taking you there. They leave.
Aarav is at Raizada house and he finally opens his eyes. Whole Raizada family is gathered there. He sees everyone’s faces and gets up all of a sudden. Manorama asks, why did you get up like that? We are not ghosts. Manorama asks Khushi where did you find him? Khushi says, he’s Arnav’s friend’s son and I met him on that day…… she stops and then says, when we went to ice cream.. we met them. Nani tells Aarav not to scare or worry. Aarav says, it’s okay.. now I am fine and I am leaving. Khushi stops him and says, you’re not going anywhere. And how you’re fine? You got unconscious.. and I have called doctor. You rest here. Aarav asks, doctor for what? I am going to my mum. Khushi says, I have informed your mother that you’re here.. she would be coming here. Khushi says, I think we should make Aarav eat something. Aarav is getting up and leaving but Anjali stops this time and asks for soup. He again gets up but this time Nani stops him and asks what about khichdi? Payal says, milk.. While they deciding.. Aarav quiet leaves from there. Everyone wonders where he went.
Episode ends.
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