Episode starts with Arnav finding one more camera in their room. He doesn’t say anything to Khushi yet. Khushi changes her wedding clothes and comes back there. As soon as she returns, Arnav pulls her to the bed. He’s about to kiss her but then he stops. He says, I am sleepy. Khushi says, I am also tired, we should sleep now. Arnav then turns off the lights and they put shawl or cover on them.
They are under covers now. Their head crash with each other and both laugh. Khushi says, I like all this. Arnav asks what? She says, all this.. me, you, and our little world. I don’t want anything else. She continues, do you know.. I find this world strange (heavy) sometimes. Arnav says, may be you’re heavy for this world. Khushi slaps him on his stomach and both laugh again. Arnav says, so finally all rituals, pheres, marriage is finally done. Khushi hugs him.
It’s morning now. Khushi is in red saaree and brings tea for everyone. When she gives tea to Manorama, she asks Khushi… this is your first day so what are you cooking in breakfast? Khushi says, whatever you want. Manorama says, puri halwa. Khushi goes to kitchen to make puri halwa now. While Khushi is cooking in kitchen, Nani and Anjali come there. Nani says, this ritual is very important for new bahu.. by this she can win everyone’s heart. Anjali says, according to this ritual.. you’re supposed to cook everything..but if you need help, then you can tell me.. I will help you. Khushi says, no I will do it. Nani then checks gas.. and it’s not on. She tells Khushi to turn on the gas first. read full updates daily with pictures only at desitvbox.com . Anjali asks Nani, why are you getting worried? Our Khushi doesn’t do any mistake. She knows how to cook everything.. this halwa puri is nothing. Khushi is nervous for some reasons.. she talks with herself and says, why are they standing here? I don’t get it.. they are encouraging me or scaring me. Anjali asks Khushi.. what are you talking to yourself? I can’t hear it.. Khushi says, nothing. They get call from someone now and Khushi picks it up. She says, ‘halwa’ instead of ‘hello’. It’s buaji’s call. Buaji says, I heard you’re making halwa puri for everyone. Khushi gets shocked and asks, how do you know? Buaji says, as you said ‘halwa’ instead of ‘hello’. Buaji then says.. don’t forget. Khushi asks, how can I forget you all? Buaji says, I am talking about ilaichi (masala). Khushi gets annoyed and disconnects the phone. Nani and Anjali leave now saying Khushi to make halwa puri fast as they are hungry.
After they leave, Khushi asks herself, why are you scaring so much? You have done all this before.. you can do it Khushi.. you can do it. Now Manorama comes there and says to her, you have to break my record.. when I came to this house after marriage.. I made so tasty halwa that I had to make so many puris. She scares Khushi saying it’s very difficult and leaves from there. Khushi now realizes she added too much water and it’s difficult to make puris now.
Khushi wonders what she should do now as puris came out to be terrible. She finally goes outside and serves food to everyone. She gives special sugar free halwa to Arnav and then sits beside him. Nk starts eating first and strange sound comes as he eats. He says, wow. . I like puri.. it’s puri (soft) too and papad (hard) too. Nice. Anjali.. Nani are next to eat.. they make weird faces but when Khushi looks at them, they smile. Khushi is looking at everyone as they eat. Aakash also has expression as he loved puris. Now it’s Manorama who eats.. she is about to say something but Aakash stops her. Arnav also says, it’s very nice. Khushi says, thank god… I thought… and then she eats now. She now realizes that puri is not like puri at all. She stops Arnav from eating and asks.. how can you eat this? It’s terrible. Arnav says, what? you made it.. I liked it. Anjali says to Khushi, that’s why I was saying.. you two are made for each other. Khushi now gives Arnav something else to eat.
Khushi now says, I was thinking to open wedding gifts. She says, whole family will open gifts together. Anjali says, I will call Shyam too.. we will open them together.
Everyone is sitting together and opening gifts. Arnav then is taking Khushi somewhere. Nk sees that and he asks, where are you two running away? Anjali says, let them go.. they want to be together.. try to understand. Khushi whispers to Arnav.. you go .. I will be there in a bit.
Khushi calls Nk to her and says him, don’t let anyone move from here until all gifts are unpacked.. no one. Nk asks, but why? Khushi says, because I am telling you. He salutes her and says, okay. Khushi leaves from there now. Shyam sees them leaving and he tells Anjali, I am tired.. I think I should rest now. Nk says, no.. ‘aaram haram hai’. We have to sit together and open all gifts.. so you don’t have permission to leave. Anjali asks Shyam to stay saying you’re also part of this family.
Arnav and Khushi are checking a laptop (probably Shyam’s). Khushi tells him to check fast before someone comes. On the other side, Shyam says to Anjali.. I have some important work.. I will be right back. Anjali says, okay. He gets up, but Nk stops him and says, you never spend time with us.. I won’t let you go anywhere today. sit and open gifts. He then says in his mind, Khushi ji.. don’t know what you are making me do.
Arnav and Khushi are watching videos of their wedding function in that laptop now.
Nk gets a call from someone and he’s busy on the phone. Shyam says to himself, this is the chance to leave.. have to find out what Khushi and Arnav are doing. Shyam tells Anjali.. he will go and get his phone. He goes upstairs now.
Khushi and Arnav are now watching Anjali’s godh bharai function videos. By seeing hand of a man.. Khushi says.. this is Shyam’s bracelet.
Break 1..
Arnav then says, when I was talking with other workers.. he removed all cameras. Arnav fast forwards and now they see a man with same bracelet playing drums. On the other hand, Shyam is on his way to come upstairs.
Khushi says, this is Anjali’s godh bharai videos. Now it’s Anjali’s room that comes in the videos. Khushi gets worried and says, that means.. there is camera in this room as well. Arnav tells her to relax saying he checked already.
Break 2..
Shyam is coming closer to his room.
Now Arnav and Khushi see same bracelet man spreading pieces of glasses on the floor in Anjali’s room and then video gets cut.
Arnav checks other video now and in that Anjali falls down on the stairs. Arnav says, for sure there is some connection between Anjali falling down and pieces of glasses. I won’t leave him (Shyam). Khushi says, wait a minute.. and then they hear someone coming to the room. Shyam is approaching to his room. Khushi is worried.
Shyam opens the door and that’s the end of episode.
Whole family is in the living room. Khushi comes there with oil. She says to Anjali.. with this oil.. your leg will be fine. Khushi then applies oil to Anjali’s leg and she sees wounds in her leg which she got from pieces of glasses other day.
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