Episode starts with Arnav asking Khushi, what is all this? Why are you doing all this? My client sent that cake. Khushi says, I know Arnav ji.. but you said you don’t want to celebrate your birthday. Arnav says, I know and I have heard this thousands of times since morning that I don’t want to celebrate my birthday, but you could wish me at least once as you’re my wife. I don’t want any birthday party, but after marriage.. this is my first birthday so I can at least expect to spend some time with you.. but you just sticking on one thing.
Khushi says, yes because you said that.. and I can’t go against what you say. You said no wishes, no party.. and now when all that is happening, then why are you getting upset? What do you think that I don’t want to celebrate your birthday? From food to guest list.. everything was ready. I had planned so much but I let that all go so everything happens the way you want. She then says, I changed myself so much for you Arnav ji.. and you can’t even spend some of your happy moments with me? Arnav is just staring at Khushi. Khushi goes on, maybe I just expect too much from you. She leaves now.
Everyone is at dining table and Khushi comes there now. She’s serving food to everyone and seems very sad. She goes in kitchen to get food. Manorama tells everyone.. we did what Khushi said us to do.. which is not to wish Arnav.. then why is she still upset? Anjali says, I think all went wrong that Khushi planned. Nani says, there’s still time.. we should with Arnav. He must be thinking why no one wished him. And Arnav comes there now. As soon as he comes, everyone wishes him happy birthday. Khushi comes back and sees everyone wishing him, but she’s still quiet. Arnav looks at her and hopes she also wishes him. Nani then asks Khushi to sit down with them and have dinner as well, but Khushi says that she is not hungry and again she goes back to the kitchen. Nani then tells Arnav, what you did wasn’t right.. she had planned so much for you.. but she couldn’t do anything because of you.. and then you got angry at her. Arnav gets up and leaves from there.
Arnav is standing alone at the pool side. Aakash comes there and says, so..fight between you two? He then asks, These girls are so strange right? I mean.. they remember everything.. when we met first time.. when what happened.. and then celebrate all those days with them. He then says, actually this is the way of them saying how much they love to us.. sometimes it’s too much.. but if these girls didn’t love us then we guys are nothing Without them… He then says, you would have understood what I am trying to say. Arnav says, I know Aakash.. and then he says to him.. I am not good at all these situations.. what should I do? Aakash says, you know better than me what you should do and he leaves from there. Arnav is thinking and thinking…
Someone is cooking in kitchen and making all Khushi’s favorite dishes (I believe). It’s none other than Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada.. he’s in a chef dress. He struggles but still is trying to cook. Everyone except Khushi is hiding and watching him. Arnav is reading the recipe book now and is frying something. No one can believe this.. oil goes on Arnav’s face and Anjali rushes to go and help him. But Aakash stops her saying this is between husband and wife.. let bhai do what he wants. Arnav now keeps himself far from oil and continues.. Nani is smiling looking at all this. He’s finally done cooking.
Khushi is standing alone in their room and Arnav comes there with food that he cooked. Khushi asks what is this? Arnav says, I was upset today so I did what you do when you get upset. Khushi says, when I am upset.. I make jalebis,, and how would you make jalebis? Arnav is all quiet. Khushi .. in a shock..asks him, you made jalebis? Arnav then shows her what he made.. Khushi laughs and asks is this jalebi? It’s very good.
Khushi then sets up a candle beside jalebies and asks Arnav to wish something and then blow candles. Arnav closes his eyes and wishes something and then blows the candle. Khushi claps and sings ‘Happy Birthday’ song. Arnav then makes her eat jalebi.. Khushi says, it’s very good and then she is about to make him eat.. but then says you can’t eat this na. Arnav says, little bit is fine and then he takes one bite. He then goes.. this is so bad.. how can you eat this? Khushi says, you made it that’s why.. Arnav then remembers how he also said samething before when Khushi made puri halwa.
Arnav now apologizes to Khushi and says, I shouldn’t have done what I did today. Khushi holds his hand.. and says.. not a problem. Arnav says, I promise that you can do whatever you want for my next birthday. I won’t say anything. Khushi says, and my birthday? Arnav says.. I will.. I will wish you. Khushi hugs him and says, I don’t like this at all when we fight like this.. Arnav says, I don’t like it either.. I have to make jalebis then which come out to be terrible. Khushi says, and I have to eat them. They both laugh.
Arnav now asks, you brought my gift or forgot? Khushi says, how can I forget.. remember I told you… you get better result when you wait. She goes and gets the gift. Arnav is trying to open it. Khushi asks him to hurry up.. and then she says, you go and wear this.. I want to see you in this. She pushes Arnav to go.
Arnav shouts from inside, “Khushi I don’t think this will fit to me”. Khushi asks, is this tight or lose? Arnav says.. tight. Khushi says, not a problem.. I can make it a bit lose, but you first wear it and come outside. Arnav says, I won’t be able to wear it. Khushi says, at least try a bit. Or come outside and I will help you. Arnav comes outside with a suit. She says, how is this possible? I took your measurements yesterday. Arnav then remembers how she was doing her sweet talks and measured everything. He asks so what should we do with this? Khushi says, will return to a tailor. She’s angry at tailor. Arnav asks her, aren’t you forgetting something? Khushi kisses him on his cheek and wishes him happy birthday.
Break 1..
Arnav now kisses on her cheek and says, you were right.. it’s better result when you wait. Both smile. Arnav now carries her and takes her to the bed.
It’s morning now and Khushi is at tailor’s place. She’s angry at him. She says, you ate my cloth piece and sent me this small suit. I gave you measurements of a fit person and you sent me a small child’s suit…aren’t you ashamed? Tailor asks, don’t know.. how we did this mistake. He then asks on whose name this suit was? Khushi says, Arnav Singh Raizada.. ASR. Someone there says, yes. Khushi asks, who said yes? She looks around and sees a kid… dressed just like Arnav and anger on his face. He goes, excuse me? You called me? Khushi says, nahi beta (son) .. I said ASR. He says, that’s what my name is.. ASR. Both are staring at each other.
Break 2..
Khushi looks at tailor. Kid, in angry tone, tells tailor.. you sent me wrong suit. Tailor says, I see.. suits are changed.. because of same names that’s why all this mess. Khushi says, I told you for home delivery.. but at least he (kid) should have checked it when picking it up. Khushi now asks kid, where is your mum? He says, why you want to talk with my mum? Khushi says, your mum by mistakely picked up wrong suit.. Kid goes.. I myself picked up this suit, and that too after you received yours. Mistake is not mine.. mistake can never be mine. You should have checked as soon as you got your suit, and should have told him. Khushi is shocked looking at his behaviour.
Tailor apologizes to the kid. Kid goes on and says to Khushi.. because of you .. I got wrong suit and I don’t wear such old fashioned clothes. Khushi says, really? then why didn’t you check your packet? Kid gets angry and walks toward Khushi. He says, because I was busy!!!! Khushi is in a shock. Kid tells to tailor.. next time.. there shouldn’t be any mistake.
Khushi asks, what do you mean that you were busy? What do you think.. I am free here? She points her finger at him and says, look kid.. Before she says anything.. the kid puts her finger down and says, shut. He says, I am not a kid.. I am ASR! He takes suit package from Khushi’s hand and leaves from there.
Episode ends with Khushi asking herself.. is this in real or just a dream.
Arnav is waiting outside, in a car. Khushi sits in the car and seems confused. Arnav asks her what happened? She says, I just came meeting you… meaning your name.. your attitude but small in size. Arnav is confused now and asks what are you saying? Khushi says, I just met a kid in store.. who is just like you. And his name is also ASR and that’s why suits got changed.
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