The show begins with Bauji scolding Khushi at her home. Suddenly someone knocks on door. Khushi goes to open door, its DADIJI.
Khushi is shocked.
She enters and says I couldn’t talk properly in Shantivaan, so I have come here to talk properly.
She ask Madhumati, Do you think you are doing right thing marrying Khushi with Arnav ?
She says this marriage cannot happen how can we marry our boy with someone who had slept with any man without marriage ?
She goes on to call Khushi even PROSTITUTE…
She says Khushi had already bought this house in her name ask her ? the gold digger ??
Aamaji comes in home but stops after seeing DADI….
She hides behind window and hears what DADI is saying… she is shocked to see DADI…
There is something in past which is clearly related with all these…..
After hearing all those blames… Madhumati says WE WONT WANT TO DO RISHTA with you .
Break 1....
As soon as DADI leaves.. Manorama shouts…
She goes on telling how could she do this to us. If she was not Arnav’s dadi then i would have hit her wiht belan.
Ammaji comes out behind window and enters house.
Khushi tries to justify Madhumati says Arnav might look stubborn from outside but actually he is hiding pain inside. His mother killed herself when Arnav was 14.
Amma enters house and SLAPS Khushi … she looks horrified.
Khushi shocked… and so Madhumati …
Amma tells Khushi to go inside.
At Arnav’s house everyone is busy preparing gift for Sagun. DADI comes and tell wedding is OFF. DADI tells everyone that Bauji had called off the wedding. Arnav hears that… rushes to Khushi’s place. Meets Khushi …. and tells Bauji he is coming tomorrow with his family to take Khushi . Bauji tries to tell DADI has spoilt everything by calling Khushi bad words. Arnav once again tells Bauji he is coming tomorrow.
At Arnav’s home everyone in drawing room discussing will marriage happen or not ?
Arnav arrives and tells marriage is on. Nothing was matter … DADIJI is angry.
He once again tells DADI we are going tomorrow with Sagun either you come or not doesnt matter… and leaves.
Everyone gets busy once again with preparation.
Dadi leaves drawing room…. she seems to be still onto something…
Break 2....
Arnav is thinking what Bauji told… DADI coming Khushi’s house to say bad words for Khushi…
Flashback how marriage between Khushi-Arnav happen, how Khushi cared him, saved him from kidnap hostage…. all reels comes….
Suddenly he sees a shadow pass by him … he shouts who is there… but sees no one…
But we are shown SHYAM who have already entered house hiding behind pillar.
Episode Ends....
Arnav says sorry for all the pain he had given to Khushi since the day of marriage. He thought she was in love with Shyam, but when she risked her life to save him. he understood everything….
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