Episode starts with Anjali coming out of her room to look for Shyam but NK sees her and asks her what is she doing outside her room when doctor told her to rest. Anjali asks him where is Dadi. NK says she’s drinking tea downstairs with everyone. At the same time, Dadi comes upstairs and tells Anjali that she is going to her room and will talk later. Anjali gets worried. NK takes her back to her room and asks her to rest. He leaves to get milk for Anjali.
Dadi comes to her room and Shyam hides behind the curtains.
Payal calls Khushi and tells her that Anjali’s godh-bharai is on same day as Khushi’s mehendi. Garima is ready to leave. Buaji asks her if she called at Arnav’s house. Garima says that she tried but Arnav didn’t pick up. Buaji then tells Khushi to give Garima phone.
Break 1..
In news, they say all trains are cancelled and it will take at least 2 to 3 days for train services to start again. Garima says, now I will have to go in bus. Buaji says, have you gone mad? You will take Khushi’s father in bus? Khushi tells her mother, may be God also wants you to attend my marriage. Khushi is happy now but Garima is tensed. Buaji tells Khushi that you’re very lucky.. for your happiness Arnav can do anything. Khushi says she will be right back and goes somewhere.
Dadi’s room. Shyam is hiding behind the curtains. Dadi says, next time don’t forget your phone, damadji. Shyam comes out now. Anjali also comes to Dadi’s room and watching them. Shyam takes blessings from Dadi. Anjali is shocked and asks you and Dadi together? Shyam tells her, remember you told me once that if there is anyone in this house who can understand us then it’s Dadi and here she is. Dadi is smiling. Dadi tells Anjali , Shyam found me and told me everything that happened here. He told me whatever happened here was a big misunderstanding and I felt like coming here for you. Anjali gets emotional and happy. She hugs Dadi. Dadi says her, so you know now your Shyam loves you so much. Anjali says, I know he loves me a lot. Dadi says, and soon whole family will find that out, I will make them realize that Shyam is a very good husband and a person. Dadi tells them that she will fulfill her promise. Shyam says that he only wants Anjali to be happy. Shyam then asks her what doctor said. Anjali says, I am fine and doctor told me that I don’t need to take medicines that I was taking. Shyam is not happy as he had changed those medicines and now doctor said Anjali doesn’t need to take them. Anjali then tells him that Arnav could be coming here anytime and Shyam should leave. Dadi also says that its not good to meet like this and instead they should go out somewhere. Dadi says, I only want Anjali’s and Arnav’s happiness. She tells Shyam about Anjali’s godh-bharai and says it will be good occasion for Shyam to come here. Dadi leaves now.
Anjali tells Shyam that she can’t believe.. there is someone in this house to support them. She tells him to come back home fast. They hug now. Shyam says to himself, poor Dadi, you couldn’t find out my real intentions. I only brought you in this house so I can come back in this house through you. If you think, everyone will accept me because of this godh-bharai rasam, then you’re mistaken. I will use you when I will do the biggest blast in this house, that time I will need you to be with me. He looks at Anjali and speaks in his mind, because what I am going to do now is very dangerous and everyone will be shocked. And they won’t have any other option beside calling me back in this house and that time they will agree with you (Dadi). Dadi comes back and tells Shyam to leave from back door. Shyam tells Anjali, we will meet in evening at the same place we decided. Shyam leaves.
At Khushi’s house. She’s counting money and says it’s her turn to do something for Arnav now. She says, I didn’t have I am this rich and she calls Arnav.
She asks Arnav, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada what are you doing after two hours? Arnav says, I have a video conference. Khushi says, no.. after 2 hours you’re meeting me in this hotel. And she disconnects.
She calls him again and this time she talks calmly. She asks, you will come na? Arnav says, of course.
Break 2..
Arnav comes home to get ready. Arnav is choosing clothes and NK asks him, you have big date today or what? Arnav says yes. NK asks with who? Arnav says, with Khushi obviously.
Anjali and Shyam are also going to same hotel.
Arnav’s full bed is with his black coats. NK asks him, don’t you have any coats in other color? Arnav then picks up a dark grayish coat and shows him, here it is. Nk says, you should borrow clothes from me. Arnav stares at him. NK says, relax.. You won’t be able to handle my style and you should stick with black color. NK leaves from there.
Arnav sees Anjali going somewhere. Anjali says that she is going to invite some of her friends for godh-bharai. Arnav says, I will drop you. Anjali refuses but Arnav says that he will drop her. He then asks where is she going and then says it’s in my way.. Let’s go. He says, how you thought that I would let you go alone this late. Dadi comes and says, who said she is going alone?
Episode ends..
Shyam and Anjali are in a hotel. Khushi and Arnav are there as well and Shyam sees them.
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