The show begins with doc handing medicine for Aaray to Sheetal while Khushi is lost in her own suspicion. Flashback of what Manorama said and Doc saying daibetis is heriditery.
After they come out of doc Khushi ask Sheetal does she or Arrav’s father has daibetis ? Sheetal feels akward and she doesn’t answer. Sheetal says she should go to house and get Aarav back.
Arrav and Arnav is watcing the football game. Anjali and Akash sees them and says Nani doesn’t they look like Son-Father. Khushi and Sheetal reaches home. Sheetal tells Arrav has daibetis to everyone. Everyone is sad. Sheetal tells Arrav to bring bag to leave. Suddenly Sheetal’s mobile rings.
The landlord says Sheetal he wont be able to hand keys of new apartment today. Sheetal now has no place to stay. Khushi is in confusion whether she should stay here or not ? finally she ask Sheetal to stay there. Sheetal first refuses, then when whole family insists she agrees. She leaves to bring her luggage from hotel.
Arnav scolds Khushi why she asked Sheetal to stay. He explains her she was his ex-girlfriend. He goes to bedroom. Khushi follows him and tries to ask did he and Sheetal ever got intimate but cannot ask after asking here and there questions.
Break 1..
Khushi finds a perfect place to think properly. So she hides inside cupboard to think. All flashback of events where everything pointing Arnav is Aarav’s father.
Arnav searches for Khushi and finally finds she is inside cupboard as she is loud thinking. Khushi says she is cleaning cupboard. Arnav tells her to come out.
Break 2..
Khusi tells she will go to clean kitchen. Arnav tells her to watch tv and leaves. She watches TV where some anchor tells her how to know hidden secrets of your husband. Khushi is glued to Vashikaran technique which the anchor mentions in the show.
Episode ends.
NK tells Khushi in today’s time there is so many technology to find out father of the child. He say DNA test which can be done just with hair of child and father.
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