Episode starts with Arnav and Khushi sleeping. Khushi is thinking how NK said you can do DNA test with a hair and then she tries to pull out one hair of Arnav. She succeeds in pulling one after couple of tries. Arnav wakes up and asks what happened? Khushi says, there was something in your hair. Arnav pulls her hand and asks her to sleep. Khushi loses hair.
It’s morning now. Anjali, Nani, Payal, and Mami are getting Aarav ready for the school. They change his shirt and then ask him to change pant. Aarav shouts, nooo. All ladies turn their faces away and then finally Aarav changes his pant. They put tie and coat on and he’s ready. They give him breakfast now. All are telling Aarav what to do and what not to at the school. Aarav is annoyed hearing their tips. Sheetal tells Aarav, someone is looking very handsome. Aarav goes, what the.. Sheetal gets emotional as for the first time, she seen Aarav getting love from so many people. Nani says, get used to it.. we are all with Aarav now. Mami asks Sheetal, why don’t you get married? Nk gets excited and says, good idea. Khushi is holding an oil bottole.. Nk asks her, why are you holding oil bottle? Khushi says, it’s oil massage time today. Your mind stay relaxed with this oil. Khushi then invites Arnav for oil massage, but Arnav refuses saying I don’t like all this. Khushi is thinking how to get Arnav’s hair and she says, at least let me take Aarav’s in the mean time.
Khushi now asks Aarav for the massage. Aarav also refuses saying, I have to go to school. Khushi says, but with oil.. you will be able to concentrate other. Aarav says, I don’t need to put oil to concentrate. Sheetal tells Aaravn, your school bus must be coming and then she goes to drop him.
Manorama asks Khushi to give her a massage saying she needs rest. Khushi has no choice but to say yes. She does a massage to her and Manorama falls to sleep and starts snoring. Khushi says to herself, I wanted to do something else.. and now I ended up doing something else. Don’t know why everything gets complicated. Nani calls Manorama for the breakfast. They are at dining table. Nk tells Khushi, there is a magic in your massage… with your massage Mami ji fell a sleep. Nani says, to make Mami sleep you don’t need to do any massage or anything. Mami says, I was tired getting Aarav ready that’s why.
Khushi is serving some food to Sheetal and Arnav tells Khushi not to give that to Sheetal because she has an allergy with it. Arnav tells Sheetal, remember I brought salad one day for you and you had problems with your throat for a week. Nk says, wow Nannav.. you remember that old stuff.. Arnav says, I knew since college time that Sheetal Kapoor has this allergy. Khushi asks Sheetal, your full name is Sheetal Kapoor, then why do you call Aarav ASR? Sheetal starts coughing.. Nk gives her water immediately. Sheetal says, I think I need to rest and leaves from there. Khushi says in her mind, she didn’t answer this time again.. I will have to do DNA test somehow. But I will have to wait for one whole day.. Aarav went school and Arnav will be going to office soon. Nk asks Khushi for gum.. Khushi says, there is only ghum (sadness) in Khushi’s life.
Khushi is chewing bubble gum and giving water to plants. She is thinking how to take out hair and then suddenly says, what a solution it is.. it will definitely work.
Aarav returns from the school and is carefully entering house so no one sees him. Arnav sees Aarav and asks him what are you doing? Aarav says, I am hiding from your family. Arnav says, excuse me.. why? Aarav says, whole day they keep touching my cheeks or make me eat or do my hair.. I am sorry.. but.. Arnav says, I understand.. come with me.
Arnav and Aarav are at the pool side and walking here and there together. They both are walking same exact way. Khushi is watching them and gets nervous. Aarav asks Arnav, doesn’t your wife talk too much? Arnav says, you will get used to slowly slowly.. Aarav now says, sometimes she behaves like a kid. Arnav agrees.. Khushi comes in and shouts, what did you say? Aarav tells Arnav, now her anger will be filmy too. Arnav says, look Khushi.. Khushi says, nahi (like a filmy way). Arnav tells Aarav, you were right. Khushi asks, what do you want? me to take insult all the time? Aarav says, we were just trying to make you understand. Khushi says, you think I am childish.. I am filmy.. I saved you from the kidnappers.. I did your admission in school and you’re calling me filmy? She then tells Arnav, I didn’t expect this from you. Arnav says, you’re not filmy at all.. Aarav says, and you don’t do drama at all. Khushi is walking away from there, but both Arnav and Aarav hold her dupatta and stops her.
They both apologize to her. Khushi says, if you both are really sorry then get on your knees. Both Arnav and Aarav say, what? together. They get on their knees and say, sorry, to Khushi. Khushi also gets down and hugs both together and says, I was just kidding. Khushi then purposely makes bubble of chewing gum and then tell them, I will remove right now. And this way she is able to pull out both Aarav and Arnav’s hair together.
Break 1..
Khushi leaves and Sheetal comes to the pool side. She tells Aarav, it’s time to sleep. Arnav says to Sheetal, I hope you both are comfortable here.. if you need anything then just tell me. Sheetal says, we are fine and it’s just for few days.. Arnav and Aarav then handshakes in an unique style. Arnav asks, what was that? Aarav says, mum taught me.. that means.. we are together in good and bad moments and we always will be together. Aarav and Sheetal leave. Khushi was hiding and listening all this. She is a bit nervous.
It’s morning now. Khushi is waiting for reports and there comes a courier man. Khushi takes envelope and going to her room. Anjali stops her and asks what is this? Khushi says, it’s just bank papers and leaves from there.
Break 2..
Khushi comes to her room. She says to herself, this paper can change my whole life. She is about to open it but then puts it away in a cupboard. She says, this can’t be true.. and takes out envelope again. She is about to open and this time Arnav comes there. She hides it again.. Arnav asks, are you fine? Khushi says, yes.. Arnav says, but you don’t seem fine.. are you sure? Khushi says, yes.
Arnav is leaving, but then sees Khushi hiding an envelope from mirror. He tells her, you’re hiding something from me. Khushi says, no.. Arnav says, excuse me.. I can see it.. Just give it to me. He takes envelope from her hand and sees that it is DNA report of Aarav and Arnav. He asks, you did DNA test of me and Aarav? Khushi tries to explain to him but Arnav pulls her hand back and he seems to be angry.
Episode ends.
Angry Arnav tells Khushi to open the report and remove doubt for forever from her mind that there is any relationship between him and Aarav. Khushi is not sure whether to see the report or no. And we see Sheetal’s face in mirror which means Sheetal is watching all this from outside.
+ comments + 3 comments
This show is getting bogus, no passion, chemistry. Showing that arnav has a illegitimate son, is very shameful. It shows the man has no character, moral values or dignity. There is no newly wed intimate scenes, love, or passion. They r just solving one problem after another, no honeymoon, not even proper suhaag raat. This show has a stupid story line now which makes me not to watch this show anymore.
I agree I have also stopped watching ipkknd, I read the updates to see if things are improving....sadly not....has been my favourite show now I just don't bother... Shyam made it exciting as much as I hated him for the the things he did he did make it interesting...there has got to be more exciting story lines to play out....I really don't like the current track....I miss the days when I used to go through an emotional rollercoaster ride with each episode....now it's more a case of going no where slowly...
Really entry of sheethal junior ASR is not nice...these characters spoiled whole base of story happened till now...magic of serial lost completely
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